I have been reading this book since last week, and now I want to share my thoughts about it. I was excited to review this because I've never heard most of the tools it features, like OpenRefine, MongoDB, and MapReduce. The book has 360 pages and surprisingly it covers a lot of topics. Along with that, is the Github repository for all the codes. Practical Data Analysis is all about applications of statistical methodologies on computer science. I find it very useful since this was not taught in my statistics class. In college, we only practice statistics on fields like sociology, psychology, agriculture, economics, chemistry, biology, industrial engineering, and many others, but we were not onto computer science, we only deal with it when coding in R or SAS. Hal Varian once said in this video that, . . . we've got at least hundred statisticians on Google . . . And I was curious about that, I mean, what are they doing on Google? What are the statistical tools d...
. . . a love story between theory and practice . . .