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ALUES: Agricultural Land Use Evaluation System, Getting Started

Arnold R. Salvacion                                                                      
Data Analysis and Visualization using R (blog)                                         

Al-Ahmadgaid B. Asaad (maintainer)

Agricultural Land Use Evaluation System (ALUES) is an R package that evaluates land suitability for different crop production. The package is based on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) methodology for land evaluation. Development of ALUES is inspired by similar tool for land evaluation, Land Use Suitability Evaluation Tool (LUSET). The package uses fuzzy logic approach to evaluate land suitability of a particular area based on inputs such as rainfall, temperature, topography, and soil properties. The membership functions used for fuzzy modeling are the following: Triangular, Trapezoidal and Gaussian. The methods for computing the overall suitability of a particular area are also included, and these are the Minimum, Maximum, Product, Sum, Average, Exponential and Gamma. Finally, ALUES uses the power of Rcpp library for efficient computation.


The package is not yet on CRAN, and is currently under development on github. To install it, run the following:

install_github(repo = 'ALUES', username = 'alstat')
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We want to hear some feedbacks, and if you have any suggestion or issues regarding this package, please do submit it here.


The package contains several datasets which can be categorized into two:
  1. Land Units' Attributes - datasets that contain the attributes of the land units of a given location.
  2. Crop Requirements - datasets that contain the required values of factors of a particular crop for the land units.

Land Units' Attributes

The package contains sample dataset of land units' attributes from two countries:
  1. Marinduque, Philippines:
    • MarinduqueLT - a dataset consisting the land and terrain characteristics of the land units of Marinduque, Philippines;
    • MarinduqueTemp - a dataset consisting the temperature characteristics of the land units of Marinduque, Philippines; and
    • MarinduqueWater - a dataset consisting the water characteristics of the land units of Marinduque, Philippines.
  2. Lao Cai, Vietnam
    • LaoCaiLT - a dataset consisting the land and terrain characteristics of the land units of Lao Cai, Vietnam;
    • LaoCaiTemp - a dataset consisting the temperature characteristics of the land units in Lao Cai, Vietnam;
    • LaoCaiWater - a dataset consisting the water characteristics of the land units of Lao Cai, Vietnam;
For example, the first six land units in MarinduqueLT is shown below

X Y CECc pHH20 CFragm SoilTe
1 121.8792 13.52084 12 53 11 12
2 121.8875 13.52084 12 52 9 12
3 121.8958 13.52084 12 53 10 12
4 121.9375 13.52084 12 52 10 12
5 121.9458 13.52084 12 54 12 12
6 121.9542 13.52084 13 54 11 12
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The complete list of factors is available in the pdf version.

Crop Requirements

The crops available in the package are the listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Crops Dataset Available in ALUES.
COFFEEAR-Arabica Coffee
COFFEERO-Robusta Coffee
RICEBR-Rainfed Bunded Rice
RICEIW-Irrigated Rice
RICENF-Rice Cultivation Under Natural Floods
RICEUR-Rainfed Upland Rice

From the table, the codes are suffixed with the land units' characteristics (TerrainCR, SoilCR, WaterCR and TemperatureCR) required for the crop. For example, below are the required values for the terrain characteristics of the land units on cultivating coconut:

Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 Slope1 6 4 2 NA NA NA NA
2 Slope2 16 8 4 NA NA NA NA
3 Slope3 30 16 8 NA NA NA NA
4 Flood 2 1 1 NA NA NA NA
5 Drainage 3 3 2 NA NA NA NA
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For required characteristics of soil, water and temperature on cultivating coconut the codes are COCONUTSoilCR, COCONUTWaterCR and COCONUTTemperatureCR, respectively.


The package contains the following functions:
  1. suitability - computes the suitability scores and classes of the land units base on the requirements of the crop.
  2. overall_suit- computes the overall suitability of the land units, using the suitability scores obtained from the suitability function.


In this section, we will get into the details of the suitability function. Usage

suitability(x, y, mf = "triangular", sow.month = NULL, min = NULL,
max = "average", interval = "fixed")
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xa data frame consisting the properties of the land units;
ya data frame consisting the crop (e.g. coconut, cassava, etc.) requirements for a given characteristics (terrain, soil, water and temperature);
mfmembership function, default is set to "triangular". Other fuzzy models are "Trapezoidal" and "Gaussian".
sow.monthsowing month of the crop. Takes integers from 1 to 12 (inclusive), representing the twelve months of a year. So if sets to 1, the function assumes sowing month on January.
minfactor's minimum value. If NULL (default), min is set to 0. But if numeric of length one, say 0.5, then minimum is set to 0.5 for all factors. If factors on land units (x) have different minimum, then these can be concatenated to vector of mins, the length of this vector should be equal to the number of factors in x. However, if sets to "average", then min is theoretically computed as:

Let X be a factor, then X has the following suitability class: S3, S2 and S1. Assuming the scores of the said suitability class for X are a, b and c, respectively. Then, \mathrm{min} = a - \displaystyle\frac{(b - a) + (c - b)}{2}
For factors with suitability class S3, S2, S1, S1, S2 and S3 with scores a, b, c, d, e and f, respectively. min is computed as, \mathrm{min} = a - \displaystyle\frac{(b - a) + (c - b) + (d - c) + (e - d) + (f - e)}{5}
maxfactor's maximum value. Default is set to "average". If numeric of length one, say 50, then maximum is set to 50 for all factors. If factors on land units (x) have different maximum, then these can be concatenated to vector of maxs, the length of this vector should be equal to the number of factors in x. However, if sets to "average", then max is computed from the equation below: \mathrm{max}=c + \displaystyle\frac{(b-a) + (c-b)}{2}
For factors with suitability class S3, S2, S1, S1, S2 and S3 with scores a, b, c, d, e and f, respectively. Then, \mathrm{max} = f + \displaystyle\frac{(b - a) + (c - b) + (d - c) + (e - d) + (f - e)}{5}
intervaldomain for every suitability class (S1, S2, S3, and N). If "fixed", the interval would be 0 to 0.25 for N (Not Suitable), 0.25 to 0.50 for S3 (Marginally Suitable), 0.50 to 0.75 for S2 (Moderately Suitable), and 0.75 to 1 for (Highly Suitable). If "unbias", then the interval is set to 0 to \displaystyle\frac{a}{\mathrm{max}} for N, \displaystyle\frac{a}{\mathrm{max}} to \displaystyle\frac{b}{\mathrm{max}} for S3, \displaystyle\frac{b}{\mathrm{max}} to \displaystyle\frac{c}{\mathrm{max}} for S2, and \displaystyle\frac{c}{\mathrm{max}} to \displaystyle\frac{\mathrm{max}}{\mathrm{max}} for S1.

The function returns the following output:
  1. Actual Factors Evaluated;
  2. Suitability Score;
  3. Suitability Class;
  4. Factors' Minimum Values; and,
  5. Factors' Maximum Values.
Example: To test the suitability of the land units in Marinduque, Philippines, for terrain requirements of coconut, we have

# First 6 of the Marinduque land units
# soil and terrain properties
X Y CECc pHH20 CFragm SoilTe
1 121.8792 13.52084 12 53 11 12
2 121.8875 13.52084 12 52 9 12
3 121.8958 13.52084 12 53 10 12
4 121.9375 13.52084 12 52 10 12
5 121.9458 13.52084 12 54 12 12
6 121.9542 13.52084 13 54 11 12
# Soil characteristics of the coconut
# from FAO standards
Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 CFragm 55.0 35.0 15.0 NA NA NA NA
2 SoilDpt 50.0 75.0 100.0 NA NA NA NA
3 BS 19.9 19.9 20.0 NA NA NA NA
4 SumBCs 1.5 1.5 1.6 NA NA NA NA
5 OC 0.7 0.7 0.8 NA NA NA NA
6 ECemh 20.0 16.0 12.0 NA NA NA NA
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Before we run the function, let's check for the possible output. From the land units (MarinduqueLT), the only factor available to be evaluated is CFragm, for required soil characteristics of the coconut. The first land unit has 11% coarse fragment (CFragm), which falls within the S1 domain of the required soil characteristics, with domain [min - 15%), where min has default value set to 0. The second to sixth land units also are highly suitable as it falls within the said domain. Let's confirm it using the function,

coco_suit_soil <- suitability(x = MarinduqueLT, y = COCONUTSoilCR)
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Extract the first 6 of the outputs,

lapply(coco_suit_soil, function(x) head(x, n = 6))
$`Actual Factors Evaluated`
[1] "CFragm"
$`Suitability Score`
1 0.8533333
2 0.8800000
3 0.8666667
4 0.8666667
5 0.8400000
6 0.8533333
$`Suitability Class`
1 S1
2 S1
3 S1
4 S1
5 S1
6 S1
$`Factors' Minimum Values`
$`Factors' Maximum Values`
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Indeed, just what we argued earlier.

Options for mf (Membership Function)
The membership function is an option for the type of fuzzy model, the available models are the following:
  1. Triangular;
  2. Trapezoidal; and,
  3. Gaussian.
The suitability scores are computed base on these fuzzy models.

Options for sow.month (Sowing Month)
The sow.month is the sowing month which takes integers from 1 to 12, representing the twelve months of a year. So if sets to 1, the function assumes sowing month on January. This argument is only use for water and temperature characteristics.

To illustrate this, we will test the land units of Marinduque for the required water and temperature for rainfed bunded rice. Thus, we have

# Water Characteristics of Marinduque land units
X Y Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 121.8792 13.52084 103 65 55 62 136 197 221 191 199 308 277 248
2 121.8875 13.52084 104 65 55 61 135 196 220 190 197 307 276 247
3 121.8958 13.52084 104 66 56 61 134 195 218 187 195 306 275 247
4 121.9375 13.52084 105 65 57 59 131 195 218 189 195 308 273 245
5 121.9458 13.52084 105 65 58 59 131 196 219 190 196 309 272 245
6 121.9542 13.52084 106 66 59 57 128 191 210 179 185 302 268 241
# Temperature Characteristics of Marinduque land units
X Y Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 121.8792 13.52084 24.7 25.1 25.9 27.1 27.7 27.4 26.8 26.8 26.7 26.3 25.9 25.1
2 121.8875 13.52084 24.8 25.0 26.0 27.2 27.8 27.5 26.8 26.8 26.6 26.5 26.0 25.3
3 121.8958 13.52084 24.9 25.2 26.1 27.3 27.9 27.6 26.9 27.0 26.8 26.6 26.2 25.4
4 121.9375 13.52084 24.7 25.1 26.0 27.2 27.7 27.5 26.8 26.8 26.6 26.5 26.0 25.3
5 121.9458 13.52084 24.7 25.1 25.9 27.0 27.7 27.4 26.8 26.8 26.6 26.4 26.0 25.2
6 121.9542 13.52084 25.0 25.5 26.4 27.5 28.2 27.9 27.4 27.3 27.2 26.9 26.4 25.6
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We will test first the land units for water, and here are the following water requirements for rainfed bunded rice,

Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 WmAv1 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
2 WmAv2 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
3 WmAv3 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
4 WmAv4 29.00 30.00 50.00 300 500 600 NA
5 WmhAv2 30.00 40.00 50.00 90 NA NA NA
6 WmhAv4 29.90 30.00 33.00 80 NA NA NA
7 WynN 0.44 0.45 0.65 NA NA NA NA
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The factors to be evaluated here are the following:
  1. WmAv1 - Mean precipitation of first month (mm);
  2. WmAv2 - Mean precipitation of second month (mm);
  3. WmAv3 - Mean precipitation of third month (mm); and
  4. WmAv4 - Mean precipitation of fourth month (mm).
If sowing month is set to November, then we have
  1. WmAv1 - November;
  2. WmAv2 - December;
  3. WmAv3 - January; and
  4. WmAv4 - February.
So for Novermber, we see the first land unit falls within the domain of S1, that is, 277 mm falls within [175 - 500 mm). And same thing for the first land unit of December, highly suitable. Let's fire up the function to confirm that,

rice_suit_water <- suitability(x = MarinduqueWater, y = RICEBRWaterCR)
Error in suitability(x = MarinduqueWater, y = RICEBRWaterCR) :
No factor(s) to be evaluated, since none matches with the crop requirements.
In addition: Warning message:
In suitability(x = MarinduqueWater, y = RICEBRWaterCR) :
For water characteristic, make sure to input sowing month (sow.month), say 1, w/c implies January
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You will have this error if there is no factors to be evaluated. What just happened here is that, the function assumed the data as neither water nor temperature characteristics. Thus, it ignores the WmAv1, WmAv2, WmAv3 and WmAv4 factors. But if we specify the sowing month (sow.month) to November (11), then we have

rice_suit_water <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueWater, y = RICEBRWaterCR, sow.month = 11
lapply(rice_suit_water, function(x) head(x, n = 6))
$`Actual Factors Evaluated`
[1] "Nov" "Dec" "Jan" "Feb"
$`Suitability Score`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 0.8207407 0.7348148 0.3051852 0.3714286
2 0.8177778 0.7318519 0.3081481 0.3714286
3 0.8148148 0.7318519 0.3081481 0.3771429
4 0.8088889 0.7259259 0.3111111 0.3714286
5 0.8059259 0.7259259 0.3111111 0.3714286
6 0.7940741 0.7140741 0.3140741 0.3771429
$`Suitability Class`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 S1 S2 S3 S3
2 S1 S2 S3 S3
3 S1 S2 S3 S3
4 S1 S2 S3 S3
5 S1 S2 S3 S3
6 S1 S2 S3 S3
$`Factors' Minimum Values`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
0 0 0 0
$`Factors' Maximum Values`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
880.0 880.0 880.0 714.2
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The first land unit for November does confirms to be S1, but for December it isn't, and instead S2 is given. This problem will be discussed later on details about the interval argument.

Options for min (Factors' Minimum Value)
By default, min = 0 for all factors. This can be assigned to any positive integers, for example, using the cassava soil requirements,

# Default min = 0
cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR)
cassava_suit_soil$`Factors' Minimum Values`
CECc SoilTe
0 0
# Change min = 1
cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR, min = 1
cassava_suit_soil$`Factors' Minimum Values`
CECc SoilTe
1 1
# Change min = 2
cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR, min = 2
cassava_suit_soil$`Factors' Minimum Values`
CECc SoilTe
2 2
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Now let's try different minimums for factors, we will use the following:

Table 2: Custom min.

minimum <- c(0.4, 0.6, 0.1, 0.3)
# Use these minimum
cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR, min = minimum
Error in suitability(x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR, min = minimum) :
min length should be equal to the number of factors in x.
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So we got an error, it is expected, since the length of the vector min should be equal to the number of factors in x, which is 6. Since we are not interested on the latitude (X) and longitude (Y) factors of the dataset, then we can ommit the two and rerun the code,

cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueLT[, -(1:2)], y = CASSAVASoilCR, min = minimum
cassava_suit_soil$`Factors' Minimum Values`
CECc SoilTe
0.4 0.3
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Only CECc and SoilTe are returned since these are the factors evaluated.

Options for max (Factors' Maximum Value)
By default max = 'average', and just like min, max can be assigned to any positive integer, example:

# Default max = 'average'
cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR)
cassava_suit_soil$`Factors' Maximum Values`
CECc SoilTe
16.05 12.00
# Change max = 110
cassava_suit_soil <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueLT, y = CASSAVASoilCR, max = 110
cassava_suit_soil$`Factors' Maximum Values`
CECc SoilTe
110 110
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For different maximum value on every factor, we will use the following and ommit the first two factors in MarinduqueLT like what we did in the previous section.

Table 3: Custom max.

maximum <- c(52.5, 8.8, 40, 14)
banana_suit_soil <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueLT[, -(1:2)], y = CASSAVASoilCR, max = maximum
banana_suit_soil$`Factors' Maximum Values`
CECc SoilTe
52.5 14.0
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Options for interval (Domain of Suitability Scores)
The domain of suitability scores are set to default, 'fixed', if this option is used, the domain of the suitability scores would be,

Table 4: Domain for 'fixed'.
Domain[0, 0.25)[0.25, 0.5)[0.5, 0.75)[0.75, 1]

An example of interval = 'fixed' is the one illustrated in Options for sow.month (Sowing Month) above. Let us investigate the output of that, here is the crop requirements for water (the crop we are interested in, is the rainfed bunded rice),

Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 WmAv1 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
2 WmAv2 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
3 WmAv3 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
4 WmAv4 29.00 30.00 50.00 300 500 600 NA
5 WmhAv2 30.00 40.00 50.00 90 NA NA NA
6 WmhAv4 29.90 30.00 33.00 80 NA NA NA
7 WynN 0.44 0.45 0.65 NA NA NA NA
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Given that the starting sowing month assigned is November, then the following factors are evaluated:
  1. WmAv1 - November;
  2. WmAv2 - December;
  3. WmAv3 - January; and
  4. WmAv4 - February.
So we are going to extract this factors from the dataset, MarinduqueWater,

head(MarinduqueWater[c(13, 14, 3, 4)])
Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 277 248 103 65
2 276 247 104 65
3 275 247 104 66
4 273 245 105 65
5 272 245 105 65
6 268 241 106 66
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The suitability scores and class of this would be,

Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 0.8207407 0.7348148 0.3051852 0.3714286
2 0.8177778 0.7318519 0.3081481 0.3714286
3 0.8148148 0.7318519 0.3081481 0.3771429
4 0.8088889 0.7259259 0.3111111 0.3714286
5 0.8059259 0.7259259 0.3111111 0.3714286
6 0.7940741 0.7140741 0.3140741 0.3771429
Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 S1 S2 S3 S3
2 S1 S2 S3 S3
3 S1 S2 S3 S3
4 S1 S2 S3 S3
5 S1 S2 S3 S3
6 S1 S2 S3 S3
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Focus your attention on suitability scores of Feb factor for the first three land units. We have here 0.3714, 0.3714 and 0.3771. And the domain of this base on Table 4, would be S3, S3 and S3. But, if we refer to the original data, the first three data points in Feb factor are all 65. Since WmAv4 is the corresponding requirements for Feb factor, with scores:

Table 5: WmAv4’s Suitability Requirements.

Then it is easy to pin point what suitability class does the scores of the land units falls into. Which follows that all first three land units falls within class S1. See the problem with 'fixed' interval? This is the same problem for other factor like Dec (December), where instead of S1, we got S2. Users can change the domain though, that is, instead of using the 'fixed' option, users can assign for example, interval = c(0, 0.33, 0.56, 0.89, 1), which equivalently:

Table 6: Custom Domains.
Domain[0, 0.33)[0.33, 0.56)[0.56, 0.89)[0.89, 1]

Assigning new values for parameters of the interval won't solve the problem, but this argument has one more option to offer, which does solve the problem, and that is by changing interval = 'fixed' to interval = 'unbias'. Let's try it,

rice_suit_water <- suitability(
x = MarinduqueWater, y = RICEBRWaterCR, sow.month = 11, interval = 'unbias'
lapply(rice_suit_water, function(x) head(x, n = 6))
$`Actual Factors Evaluated`
[1] "Nov" "Dec" "Jan" "Feb"
$`Suitability Score`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 0.8207407 0.7348148 0.3051852 0.3714286
2 0.8177778 0.7318519 0.3081481 0.3714286
3 0.8148148 0.7318519 0.3081481 0.3771429
4 0.8088889 0.7259259 0.3111111 0.3714286
5 0.8059259 0.7259259 0.3111111 0.3714286
6 0.7940741 0.7140741 0.3140741 0.3771429
$`Suitability Class`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 S1 S1 S3 S1
2 S1 S1 S3 S1
3 S1 S1 S3 S1
4 S1 S1 S3 S1
5 S1 S1 S3 S1
6 S1 S1 S3 S1
$`Factors' Minimum Values`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
0 0 0 0
$`Factors' Maximum Values`
Nov Dec Jan Feb
880.0 880.0 880.0 714.2
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And that supports our argument above.

The function, suitability, also considers the weights of the factors. An example of crop with no weights is the soil requirement for coconut,

Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 CFragm 55.0 35.0 15.0 NA NA NA NA
2 SoilDpt 50.0 75.0 100.0 NA NA NA NA
3 BS 19.9 19.9 20.0 NA NA NA NA
4 SumBCs 1.5 1.5 1.6 NA NA NA NA
5 OC 0.7 0.7 0.8 NA NA NA NA
6 ECemh 20.0 16.0 12.0 NA NA NA NA
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The weights are assigned on the last column, Weight.class. And here is the soil requirements for the cassava, with weight on each factor:

Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 CFragm1 35.0 15.0 3.0 NA NA NA 2
2 CFragm2 55.0 35.0 15.0 NA NA NA 3
3 SoilDpt 50.0 75.0 100.0 NA NA NA 2
4 CaCO3 10.0 5.0 1.0 NA NA NA 3
5 Gyps 2.0 1.0 0.2 NA NA NA 3
6 CECc 15.9 15.9 16.0 NA NA NA 3
7 BS 20.1 20.1 20.0 NA NA NA 3
8 SumBCs 2.1 2.1 2.0 NA NA NA 3
9 pHH2O 4.5 4.8 5.2 7 7.6 8.2 3
10 OC 0.9 0.9 0.8 NA NA NA 3
11 ECedS 4.0 3.0 2.0 NA NA NA 3
12 SoilTe 3.0 4.0 9.0 NA NA NA 2
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If a given factor has a weight, then the function will compute the corresponding suitability and then use the weighting score to obtain the appropriate suitability score. The weights of the factors for the default interval (interval = 'fixed') are in Table 7:

SuitabilityFactor Weights
Table 7: Weights of the Factors for 'fixed' Interval.

Thus the function simply divides the interval of the suitability class into three, for three weights.

Overall Suitability

overall_suit(x, method = NULL, interval = NULL, output = NULL)
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xa data frame consisting the suitability scores of a given characteristics (terrain, soil, water and temperature) for a given crop (e.g. coconut, cassava, etc.);
methodthe method for computing the overall suitability, which includes the minimum, maximum, sum, product, average, exponential and gamma. If NULL, minimum is used.
intervalif NULL, the interval used are the following: 0-0.25 (Not suitable, N), 0.25-0.50 (Marginally Suitable, S3), 0.50-0.75 (Moderately Suitable, S2), and 0.75-1 (Highly Suitable, S1).
outputthe output to be returned, either the scores or class. If NULL, both are returned.


Let's assume we are interested on the land units in Lao Cai, Vietnam, for cultivating irrigated rice. So here are the first 6 land units in the said location,

head(LaoCaiLT) # Land and Terrain Characteristics
SlopeD CFragm SoilDpt SoilTe CECc SumBCs pHH2O BS OC Flood
1 1 0 45 9 18.6 3.30 5.4 50.00 1.40 3
2 1 0 45 9 18.6 3.30 5.4 50.00 1.40 3
3 1 0 45 9 18.6 3.30 5.4 50.00 1.40 3
4 1 0 45 9 18.6 3.30 5.4 50.00 1.40 3
5 1 0 45 9 18.6 3.30 5.4 50.00 1.40 3
6 1 5 65 3 19.8 3.13 5.3 34.72 1.21 2
head(LaoCaiTemp) # Temperature Characteristics
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 11.19 12.55 16.34 19.96 22.68 23.67 23.84 23.28 22.01 19.46 15.85 12.46
2 12.04 13.32 17.10 20.26 22.35 23.29 23.37 23.04 21.91 19.50 15.99 13.02
3 12.27 13.53 17.30 20.47 22.64 23.58 23.64 23.29 22.16 19.77 16.23 13.24
4 15.91 16.11 20.09 23.01 25.95 27.50 27.04 26.64 25.27 23.33 19.36 16.73
5 15.39 15.76 19.70 22.67 25.50 26.93 26.55 26.16 24.83 22.83 18.92 16.22
6 13.13 14.28 18.06 21.13 23.40 24.37 24.32 23.97 22.85 20.58 16.96 13.98
head(LaoCaiWater) # Water Characteristics
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Irrigation
1 20.49 32.77 47.80 124.15 177.86 268.30 340.59 367.60 237.65 123.71 65.80 20.48 1
2 35.71 50.45 73.00 155.55 261.88 341.18 409.60 411.93 261.33 136.69 75.82 31.68 1
3 33.63 47.38 71.10 151.62 250.26 331.67 402.74 404.63 252.57 128.94 73.43 29.21 1
4 20.74 27.21 96.28 132.81 184.52 191.73 339.20 352.97 229.90 76.14 79.89 12.06 1
5 22.17 29.49 91.25 134.45 191.33 212.30 347.35 358.54 229.35 81.75 77.71 14.03 1
6 30.17 41.50 72.47 147.04 231.12 311.19 389.64 389.49 231.29 108.18 69.60 23.80 1
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And here are the required values for factors of soil, terrain, temperature and water characteristics for irrigated rice,

RICEIWTerrainCR # Terrain Characteristics
Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 Slope1 4 2 1 NA NA NA NA
2 Flood 1 2 3 NA NA NA 1
3 Drainage 5 4 2 NA NA NA 2
4 SlopeD 3 2 1 NA NA NA 1
RICEIWSoilCR # Soil Characteristics
Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 CFragm 35.0 15.0 3.0 NA NA NA 3
2 SoilDpt 20.0 50.0 75.0 NA NA NA 3
3 CaCO3 25.0 15.0 6.0 NA NA NA 3
4 Gyps 25.0 10.0 3.0 NA NA NA 3
5 CECc 10.0 12.0 16.0 NA NA NA 3
6 BS 20.0 35.0 50.0 NA NA NA 2
7 SumBCs 1.6 2.8 4.0 NA NA NA 3
8 OC 0.7 0.8 1.5 NA NA NA 2
9 ECedS 6.0 4.0 2.0 NA NA NA 3
10 ESP 40.0 30.0 20.0 NA NA NA 3
11 pHH2O 4.5 5.0 5.5 8.2 8.5 8.8 3
12 SoilTe 3.0 4.0 9.0 NA NA NA 2
RICEIWTemperatureCR # Temperature Characteristics
Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 TgAv 10 18 24 36 36.1 36.1 1
2 TmMaxXm 21 26 30 40 45.0 50.0 NA
3 TmAv2 10 18 24 36 42.0 45.0 2
4 TmMinAv4 7 10 14 25 28.0 30.0 NA
RICEIWWaterCR # Water Characteristics
Code S3 S2 S1 S1.1 S2.1 S3.1 Weight.class
1 WmAv1 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
2 WmAv2 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
3 WmAv3 100.00 125.00 175.00 500 650 750 NA
4 WmAv4 29.00 30.00 50.00 300 500 600 NA
5 WmhAv2 30.00 40.00 50.00 90 NA NA NA
6 WmhAv4 29.90 30.00 33.00 80 NA NA NA
7 WynN 0.44 0.45 0.65 NA NA NA NA
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Now, we are going to take the suitability scores for every characteristics,

x1 <- LaoCaiLT; y1 <- RICEIWTerrainCR; y2 <- RICEIWSoilCR;
x2 <- LaoCaiTemp; y3 <- RICEIWTemperatureCR;
x3 <- LaoCaiWater; y4 <- RICEIWWaterCR
# Terrain Characteristics
riwTerr_suit <- suitability(x = x1, y = y1, interval = "unbias")
# Soil Characteristics
riwSoil_suit <- suitability(x = x1, y = y2, interval = "unbias")
# Temperature Characteristics
riwTemp_suit <- suitability(
x = x2, y = y3,
interval = "unbias",
sow.month = 10
# Water Characteristics
riwWatr_suit <- suitability(
x = x3, y = y4,
interval = "unbias",
sow.month = 10
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Next, we will take the overall suitability on all factors in each land unit using the "average" method (default is "minimum").

# Terrain Characteristics
riwTerr_ovs <- overall_suit(riwTerr_suit[[2]], method = "average")
# Soil Characteristics
riwSoil_ovs <- overall_suit(riwSoil_suit[[2]], method = "average")
# Temperature Characteristics
riwTemp_ovs <- overall_suit(riwTemp_suit[[2]], method = "average")
# Water Characteristics
riwWatr_ovs <- overall_suit(riwWatr_suit[[2]], method = "average")
# Combine scores into data frame
rFact_ovs1 <- data.frame(
"Terrain" = riwTerr_ovs[, 1],
"Soil" = riwSoil_ovs[, 1],
"Temp" = riwTemp_ovs[, 1],
"Water" = riwWatr_ovs[, 1]
# Combine classes into data frame
rFact_ovs2 <- data.frame(
"Terrain" = riwTerr_ovs[, 2],
"Soil" = riwSoil_ovs[, 2],
"Temp" = riwTemp_ovs[, 2],
"Water" = riwWatr_ovs[, 2]
# Combine the two data frame into a list
rFact_ovs <- list("Scores" = rFact_ovs1, "Class" = rFact_ovs2)
# Return the first 10 of the output
lapply(rFact_ovs, function(x) head(x, n = 10))
Terrain Soil Temp Water
1 0.8333333 0.4878049 0.4528571 0.06068148
2 0.8333333 0.4878049 0.4568571 0.09386667
3 0.8333333 0.4878049 0.4637143 0.08654815
4 0.8333333 0.4878049 0.5531429 0.03573333
5 0.8333333 0.4878049 0.5405714 0.04157037
6 0.5833333 0.0000000 0.4845714 0.07051852
7 0.5833333 0.0000000 0.4888571 0.06352593
8 0.5833333 0.0000000 0.4885714 0.07004444
9 0.5833333 0.0000000 0.4797143 0.06752593
10 0.5833333 0.0000000 0.5020000 0.05742222
Terrain Soil Temp Water
1 S1 S3 S3 N
2 S1 S3 S3 N
3 S1 S3 S3 N
4 S1 S3 S2 N
5 S1 S3 S2 N
6 S2 N S3 N
7 S2 N S3 N
8 S2 N S3 N
9 S2 N S3 N
10 S2 N S2 N
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Finally, take the overall suitability from these characteristics using the "maximum" method.

riw_ovs <- overall_suit(rFact_ovs[[1]], method = "maximum")
head(riw_ovs, n = 10)
Scores Class
1 0.8333333 S1
2 0.8333333 S1
3 0.8333333 S1
4 0.8333333 S1
5 0.8333333 S1
6 0.5833333 S2
7 0.5833333 S2
8 0.5833333 S2
9 0.5833333 S2
10 0.5833333 S2
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