I prefer \mathrm{\LaTeX} because it produces beautiful mathematical equations that MS Word cannot. \mathrm{\LaTeX} is used by publishers like O'Reilly and Springer for books that involve mathematics and statistics.
Now let me guide you on getting started with \mathrm{\LaTeX} on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu.
For Windows users:
- Go to this site, download what is recommended for your system;
- follow the instructions in installation; after that,
- download the TeXMaker here, and install. (TeXMaker is a \mathrm{\LaTeX} text-editor with many features including syntax highlighting)
- Go to this site, download the MacTeX.pkg;
- follow the instructions in installation; after that,
- download the TeXMaker here, and install.
- Open Ubuntu Software Center, search for TeXMaker, then click Install. (This will install TeXlive as well)
We will start with our first \mathrm{\LaTeX} document in my next post.