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Philippine Infographic: Recapitulation on Incidents Involving Motorcycle Riding in Tandem Criminals for 2011-2013

The Philippine government has launched Open Data Philippines ( last year, January 16, 2014. Accordingly, the aims to make national government data searchable, accessible, and useful, with the help of the different agencies of government, and with the participation of the public. This website consolidates the data sets of different government agencies, allowing users to find specific information from a rich and continuously growing collection of public data sets. provides information on how to access these datasets and tools, such infographics and other applications, to make the information easy to understand. Users may not only view the datasets, but also share and download them as spreadsheets and other formats, for their own use.

The primary goal of is to foster a citizenry empowered to make informed decisions, and to promote efficiency and transparency in government. For more, check out the video:

Although admittedly I accidentally discovered this few weeks ago, but still good news for me. I mean I've been frustrated about our government data since college, it was difficult to do case study and research about crimes, rainfall, and other interesting variables to model due to the lack of data available online. With the launch of Open Data Philippines, and for believing that data can improve our country, it's a win win for me. So as a first exploitation on it. I decided to use the data from Philippine National Police (PNP) agency about the incidents involving motorcycle riding in tandem criminals. Check my first infographic below,

The Infographic (PNG)

PDF Version

What software did I use for creating this infographic?

Well I designed it entirely using R, with the help of ggplot2, grid, and extrafont packages. The above infographic is inspired by Kobe Bryant Infographic. The hexadecimal color codes from the said chart were extracted using the eyedropper tool from Affinity Designer.

I will not share any code in this post, but will do a tutorial on how to create one. So be notified by subscribing.